GBA Work Order - Request (ID: Pending)

50% Completed

Please select the furniture category that best describes the items you need assistance with. Fill in the additional details and proceed to the next page. On the next page, you will see a price estimate. If everything looks good, simply enter your address and submit to complete your booking!

Please select a category from the dropdown menu. Choose the category that best represents your type of furniture. You may also select multiple assemblies if applicable.
Please select the date on which you are requesting a technician. If you anticipate that the date may change in the future, simply inform the office when you speak with them over the phone.
Please enter your first name. This information will be used to automatically generate your contract details, so kindly ensure that the spelling is accurate.
Please enter your last name. This information will be used to automatically generate your contract details, so kindly ensure that the spelling is accurate.
Please enter a valid email address. You are not signing up for a newsletter; this information will be used for billing, as well as for updates and creation of your contract.
Please enter a valid and current phone number. The office may need to contact you prior to your service, and this number will also be used for your auto-generated contract, allowing the technician to reach you on the service date.
Please enter the zip code where the service will take place. This information will be used to calculate the distance, allowing us to estimate and display your travel fee.